Saturday, November 7, 2009

Summer fun on the Tramp
Sam like to help water the grass.
MillHollow, Ty and Sam


MillHollow, Taking the dogs for a swim

Monday, September 28, 2009

Okay, it's been awhile

Okay, yes I know, it has been quite some time since I've written. Where to begin.... Blake is now 7. I thought for sure is attitude would change. (Not so much!) In fact, I think it has gotten worse. I sure hope that it is a phase. He tries to run all over me, I just need to get tough. I've watched Super nanny and tried to implement what she does, it's not working for me, maybe she should come to my house. Blake is in the 1st grade and seems to be doing great. He likes school so we have a plus there. His reading and spelling are awesome, he really is a smart boy. We just have to get a handle on the home front. He learned a new word and also learned it is not nice to call your mom bad names. A bar of soap in the mouth sure changed that in a hurry!! Tyler is doing well and has started preschool. He is learning to write, who would of thought that writing the letter f would be so hard. He will do just fine, he is also a smart boy. His most favorite part of school is playing outside. Miss Teri must have one cool sand box and slide.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer almost over!!

Well, this summer sure did come and go, this year has gone by so fast, I don't know where it all went. We haven't got to do much this year, been so busy, Work, Work and more Work for both Jess and I, Busy with the house and it is still not finished.
A few big things that happened this summer, Ty turned THREE!!! He is such a little man. He will start preschool after Labor Day. That is something to look forward to. It is already amazing how fast his mind works. It will be good to get him writing and learning to read.
Blake has lost 4 teeth this summer. I wish the tooth fairy paid that good when I was little. He hasn't quite mastered riding his bike without the training wheel but, I think he will soon. Blake is going to be 7 next month and he is off to the 1st grade in a couple of weeks.
Jess got our patio poured and the hot tub is already to go. That will be lots of fun.
I need to do a better job at keeping this blog and post some pictures so keep your eye out for them.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ty's Birthday... Ashtyn is almost as big!!


This is my kind of entertainment! This kid could have a job in VEGAS!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sad, yet exciting!!!

Well, Blake made it through kindergarten!! Now on to the First grade. He received a Kindergarten diploma and a medal for perfect attendance, he never missed a day of school but, there were days he would have liked to. He has learned so much this past year. His handwriting is really good yet, he needs to take a little more time with coloring. It is amazing how his mind works some times, Blake is very smart some times too smart.
Now, I just need to get him to get a hair cut. Good luck with that... Oh, and his teeth are falling out. He is at that age were he just looks a little funny but, soon will grow into a little man..
Tyler just turned Three!!! I can't believe it, he is so big and just should not be three... Ty says he just wants to stay Two. He doesn't like the idea of parting with the BINKY...
And, potty training... Blake was so much easier.... It is disapline I worry about the most. Tyler marches to the beat of his own drum (it is a very big and loud drum)!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mommies......
The boys gave me lots of loves and kisses....just what I wanted..

Good News, I was able to get all of my pictures back, yeah! It sure did cost a pretty penny but, the memories are worth more than money... Now that I am back up in working condition I can try and keep this blog going. (if I can find some time).

I think spring is here, it is about time don't ya think. School is almost out, Blake has two weeks left. He is excited to go on the big field trip to the Zoo. I hope they don't mistake him for a monkey and keep him there.. Summer will be here before we know it. I'm not sure if we will get a actual summer vacation this year or not. Times are tough and Jess is always so busy. I hope we will be able to do something even if we don't really go anywhere special. A week off of work would do me just fine. Blake is looking forward to not getting on the bus everyday, and Tyler, well he just goes with the flow. He will be three on the 22nd. time sure goes by fast. What little men they are both becoming.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Crappy Computer

So, I sat down at my computer to copy all my pictures that I should have done a long time ago. CRASH!!! The hard drive had burned up (not very happy about that). I took the computer to get fixed and there is no recovery of my pictures. That was the news on April Fool's Day. Can you say Ironic... Anyway they said they could send the old hard drive to some company and try to get the pictures, it will cost a pretty penny but, the memories are worth it. Until then keep your fingers crossed that they can get them....

Spring came and spring went, the weather has been horrible. Easter was fun, the Easter Bunny didn't forget the boys. They got Easter buckets filled with candy. They got outside toys that they can't play with yet and new shorts, they can't wear yet. Stupid Snow...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Addition

Our new addition to our is finally finished (well almost). This past year we added on to our little house. We added on a new family room and I also got a bigger laundry room. Jess painted the laundry room a bright yellow, he said it can be my happy place. The new room is awesome, we can actually spread out watch movies. Jess added surround sound and purchase a fancy flat panel TV and got DVR so we can record the show that we like to watch when we want. The only downfall of DVR is that Blake figured out how to record every SpongeBob ever made.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This is the other half of our family. Max and new sister Sam. Max is now 10 and Sam is 9 mons. He is still trying to adjust to having a new family member, and she is a slow learner. We are hoping that Max can teacher her a thing or two.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hi everyone, I am trying this blogging thing. Trying to figure it out. Check back soon....